16 de abril de 2010

I for one welcome our new volcano overlords...

Siempre nos queda la opción del tren (más ecológico, y puede que llegue a ser más barato que Ryanair si esto sigue así)...

De Wikipedia:

Professor Bill McGuire of the Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre said on 15 April "Such a large eruption ... would have the potential to severely affect air travel at high northern latitudes for six months or more".[33] The last time the volcano erupted in 1821, it spewed ash for two years.Geophysicists in Iceland said that the production of ash from Eyjafjallajokull is likely to continue at a comparable level for some days or even week; a geophysicist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office said "Where it disrupts travel depends on the weather. It depends how the wind carries the ash". [52]The European air traffic control organisation said on the evening of 15 April that flights could be disrupted for another 48 hours.[53]

Llamadme nostlálgico si queréis, pero creo que nos va a venir bien un par de años sin aviones, con la madre naturaleza recordándonos quién manda aquí. :-)

Otra cuestión es el agravio comparativo que esto va a causar entre las economías de Europa y USA/China. Ahora que empezaba la guerra comercial. ¡Qué pena!
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