26 de mayo de 2006


So last night I watched Lost 2x23. What can I say?... Are they crazy??? I wonder what kind of physical explanation have they thought to that light and sound. Electromagnetic? my ass. That was too big. I was thinking of some sort of nuclear bomb, when it stopped

Another explanation might be a strong magnetic field breaking Van-Allen's belt and deflecting all the solar ionized particles coming into the Earth into that precise point where the Island is (some sort of mega-aurora). Did you know that the magnetic field is irrotational? In classical electromagnetism magnetic monopoles are forbidden. So where is the other pole? Must be quite far away if you are to perturb Earth's magnetic field at that scale. So this sci-fi freaks are going to introduce magnetic monopoles in the script? Too contrived, plus they are not that fashionable anymore.

If a magnetic field of that scale would have been generated on the island, the effects would have been much different, not flying forks, but the whole swan station collapsing, and all ferromagnetic things on the beach flying with accelerated motion towards the source, not just falling on the sand.

I just hope they have an explanation (though i know they won't).

4 comentarios:

María dijo...


María dijo...

No es tan dificil encontrar un blog si te lo propones, sólo tienes que escribir "franjesus" darle a la opción de "buscar Blog" de blogger :P (diga'm suspicás)

María dijo...

Vaaaaamos, fran. Es ciencia ficción!
Acaso alguien duda de la calidad de starwars pq alcanzan la velocidad de la luz y se quedan tan panchos? pq había gravedad en el alcón milenario? Intentas buscar una explicación al teletransporte del star trek? a que existan marcianitos por ahí tan tan tan parcidos a los humanos pero que en realidad son lagartos?

Juer, que el kit el coche fantastico hablaba hace mil años, iba solo y... SALTABA!

Y para ciencia ficción los vigilantes de la playa... Nadie se cuestinó jamás cómo es posible que haya TANTO plástico y TAN poca celulitis en una misma playa...????

Son series, o te gustan o no, pero no intentas que te den una explicación racional y científica de ciertos temas!

The Froggy dijo...

What are you talking about, Fran?

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